Dance In Worship

“You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing.
You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy.”
-PSALM 30:11
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“We experienced the joy of unity across the barriers of culture, race, sex and class.
but also experienced pain from deep divisions which keep us from true unity”.
-Leap of Faith p214 by Dr. Shona

In my official position as ‘Adviser in Dance’, it was hoped I should bring a visual interpretation of issues discussed, and decisions reached, as opposed to the overworked verbal ones. It was difficult to bridge some real differences, especially when
I was fighting my own battles against the old attitudes towards dance in worship.
– Dr. Shona

World Council of Churches (1975)
Despite the difficulties, my dance group did achieve a very creditable dance to the conference theme ‘Jesus Christ Frees and Unites’. They also danced several hymns to the glorious singing of an African Choir. The most significant dance however was to be part of the final Assembly.
– The Fifth Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Nairobi, 1975

Phillipines Anthropology. Ethnic Religions